#!/bin/sh -e # This script solely generates the formatted code as hosted on the distress.network website. It is thus not intended for actual use by anyone other than the site owner. tmp=$(mktemp -p /tmp) css="h3,.lp-ref {font-family: neue-haas-grotesk-text, var(--fs-sans); font-size: 1rem; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic;} h3 {margin: 1rem;}" for file in "data" "log" "tangle" "weave" ; do in="${file}.lp" ; out="doc/online/${file}.html" ; cat "doc/online/header" "$in" | ./weave > "$tmp" ; sed "s;title: ;&${in};1" -i'' "$tmp" ; sed "s;leading: ;&${in};1" -i'' "$tmp" ; pushd "../web" > "/dev/null" ; sh "./md.sh" "$tmp" "../literary/$out" > "/dev/null" ; popd > "/dev/null" ; sed "/~\n&~1" -i'' "$out" ; sed 's;\(.*\)@= \(.*\) =@;\1(\2);1' -i'' "$out" ; echo "[ok] generated text '${file}'" ; done sh "./../sync.sh" rm "$tmp"